UnitIIntroduction to Computers
1. Explain the term computer? Also mention how computers evolved over
Computer is a combination of hardware and software, which converts raw data
into information.
It is an electronic machine which takes raw data (input), process the data as per
user’s instruction (program) and gives the result (output) in a desired format
which can be stored for future references.
Computer Functions: “A computer has function four - Input, Process, Output,
and Store” also known as information cycle, where,
Input, is the raw data i.e., unprocessed facts and figures, entered in computer
through input devices. It can be numeric, non-numeric data or collection of both.
Process, is the operation performed by the computer on raw data as per given
set of instructions by the user known as programs to perform a desired task.
Output, is the processed data or meaningful information generated by the
computer after performing data processing on the data provided by the user and
from this processed information anyone can easily draw some inferences.
Store, is the process of storing/saving the above output into the storage device of
the computer for future usage.
Main advantages of computer are:
1. Speed
2. High Storage Capacity
3. Accuracy
4. Reliability
5. Versatility.