1. Briefly explain Principles of Engineering drawing and their
To record information on paper (or another surface), instruments and equipment are
required. Even for drawings made freehand, pencils, erasers, and sometimes
coordinate paper or other special items are used. The lines made on drawings are
straight or curved (including circles and arcs). They are made with drawing
instruments, which are the necessary tools for laying down lines on a drawing in an
accurate and efficient manner. To position the lines, a measuring device, a scale, is
The various instruments will be described in detail later, but the opening of this
chapter will serve as an introduction. To draw straight lines, the T square, with its
straight blade and perpendicular head, or a triangle is used to support the stroke of
the pencil. To draw circles, a compass is needed. In addition to the compass, the
draftsman needs dividers for spacing distances and a small bow compass for
drawing small circles. To draw curved lines other than circles, a French curve is
required. A scale is used for making measurements.
2. What are the different types of Lines used in engineering
In EngineeringGraphics, the details of various objects are drawn by different types
of lines. Each line has adefinite meaning and sense toconvey.
1.Visible Outlines, Visible Edges: (Continuous wide lines) the lines drawnto
represent the visible outlines/ visible edges / surface boundary lines of objects
should beoutstanding in appearance.
2. Dimension Lines: (Continuous narrow Lines) Dimension Lines are drawnto
mark dimension.